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Tuesday 6th August 2019
To all our Owls club supporters: Hi everybody we love our Owls clubs and with the relatively recent addition of Owlets and Eagle Owls we feel honoured to impart a love of the countryside to an increasing number of children and their carers. With growing popularity though we’ve found some clubs have had some participation issues in recent months so we thought we’d take the opportunity to clarify what our policy and advisory notes are in regard to taking part in Owls Club events. Essentially our 4 groups are designed to cater to 4 distinct age groups: under2s, 2-4, 4-7 and 7+. Each session is aimed at the suggested age range. There have been occasions when younger or older siblings have come along as non-paying/ participating extras but it can make sessions feel very full and we do find it hard to tell a little/bigger brother or sister that they are not able to do what the other children are doing. Obviously babies in arms would be an exception as they have neither the desire or ability to run around in the woods, plant seeds, colour in, pat sheep etc. In order to make our owls clubs as accessible as possible we are happy for children either side of the sessions age range to come along on the understanding that they are paying participants and not everything would be age appropriate for them. So for example Big Owls is aimed at 4-7 year olds but a mature 3 year old or a “young at heart” 8 year old could find it rewarding. We continue to monitor our provision to ensure that what we do is accessible, fair and enjoyable as possible . We appreciate that in the short term this might make things difficult for some of our wonderful Owls club supporters but hopefully everyone understands that any decision we make is ultimately in the best interest of you all.
We look forward to seeing you at future events. If you have any individual queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.
All the best from the Owls Club team